
1. Achievements of national construction companies

National construction companies have a number of major structural projects to their credit, including freeways, roads, stadiums, dams, LGVs, high-rise buildings, ports, etc;

2. Program contract between the FNBTP-FMCI and the Government in 2018 for the development of engineering and construction companies:

The FNBTP undertakes various initiatives to assist its members and advocate for their interests as well as those of the sector.

Composition of the Program Contract :

The Program Contract is made up of :

  • A Framework Contract endorsed by the Government, the FNBTP, and the FMCI. 
  • 10 implementation contracts ratified by each relevant ministry and the two Federations. 
  • These contracts entail explicit commitments from the 10 concerned ministries and the two signing federations.

Governance of the Program Contract :

The Program Contract is implemented by a steering committee chaired by the Minister of Equipment and Water, and by a monitoring committee. These committees meet regularly and are made up of representatives of the concerned ministries, the FNBTP and the FMCI.

A consultancy firm has been appointed to monitor the implementation of this contract program.

Strategic orientations :

  • The Program Contract sets out the main strategic directions for the development of the public works sector.
  • The vision for this medium-term development is twofold:
    • A competitive, value-creating, innovative and socially responsible company that meets the country’s needs and exports its products.
    • A State that fosters the long-term viability of businesses by providing visibility and developing a favorable business environment.
  • The strategy underpinning the contract program is therefore twofold:
  • Upgrading the sector by providing a suitable environment that meets companies’ needs and fosters their development.
  • Develop excellence and shine internationally.

Strategic objectives :

11 strategic objectives have been set within the two pillars:

Pillar N°1: Upgrading the sector :

  • Ensure visibility of the sector,
  • Update the regulatory framework and optimize administrative processes, Strengthen skills and make professions more appealing,
  • Strengthen professional representation and encourage inter-professional cooperation,
  • Improve competitiveness,
  • Promote corporate citizenship.

Pillar 2: Excellence and international influence:

  • Promote excellence and innovation,
  • Encourage the emergence of national champions,
  • Develop public-private partnerships,
  • Promote respect for the environment,
  • Support the internationalization of companies.

3. Regulatory advances

  • Adoption of the profession’s proposals for the regulation of public procurement, its management and control; the qualification and classification system, the CCAG-Travaux, the price revision system, etc…
  • Work to extend national preference to all construction actors;

4. Professional training:

  • Creation of the Institut de Formation dans les Métiers du BTP de Fès (IFMBTP);
  • Partnerships with universities, training centers and institutes.

5. Communication :

  • Organization of events such as BTP Expo and the BTP Forum.
  • Participation and partnership in other national and international events
  • Participation in setting up the National Public Procurement Portal;